First Line Defense recognizes the importance of complying with accessibility standards to ensure internet users with impairments can easily access our website. To assist visually-impaired individuals, FLD has provided descriptions to all images using alt text. Our foreground and background have sufficient contrast ratios in order to ease review of content. FLD has structured its web page to accommodate screen readers by organizing and presenting content via header and paragraph tags. We have limited motion on individual sub pages and have, when possible, used clear fonts that are larger in size. Additionally, FLD has enabled visual indicators to assist individuals who may use a keyboard instead of a mouse to browse websites.
In addition to our web page, FLD takes the appropriate measures to ensure that we are compliant with Section 508 standards for our contracts.
For questions or comments about this web page and/or our accessibility efforts, please contact FLD at: bstegman@firstlinedefensellc.com or mweckter@firstlinedefensellc.com